Glyn Roberts Professional Coaching

Glyn provides the emotional threads and insights that can be tied together to generate real life success.


What is mentor coaching?

Mentor coaching can be tremendously beneficial. Imagine having a helping hand for a short period of time for specific, concrete issues. Mentor coaches help clients re-discover passion, improving focus and efficiency, and work on the clarity needed to think strategically. Longer-term mentor coaching engagements help to rebuild deeper, trusting relationships and peel back emotional issues that can affect people both professionally and personally. By learning and developing skills in a simulated environment, clients leave their mentor coach with greater confidence in the real world. Professional mentor coach Glyn Roberts dives beyond task-oriented basic coaching into deeper areas such as:

  • Awareness
  • Balance
  • Courage

This process takes time and a great deal of openness from the client. But the end results will be worth the time and emotional investment. Glyn will guide you through your current situation toward future success and ensure reduced internal conflict with colleagues and loved ones.

Working with Glyn has been tremendously beneficial. He has guided me towards rediscovering my passion, and helped improve my focus and efficiency. I could not recommend Glyn highly enough.
— David Hendry, PhD Student